The aim of this in vitro study was to compare the quality of digital workflows generated by\ndifferent scanners (Intra-oral digital scanners (I.O.S.s)) focusing on marginal fit analysis. A customized\nchrome-cobalt (Cr-Co) implant abutment simulating a maxillary right first molar was fixed in\nhemi-maxillary stone model and scanned by eight different I.O.S.s: Omnicam® (Denstply Sirona,\nVerona, Italy) CS3500®, CS3600®, (Carestream Dental, Atlanta, GA, USA), True Definition Scanner®\n(3M, St. Paul, MN, USA), DWIO® (Dental Wings, Montreal, Quebec, Canada), PlanScan® (Planmeca\nOy, Helsinki, Finland), 3D PROGRESS Plus® (MHT, Verona, Italy), TRIOS 3® (3Shape, Copenhagen,\nDenmark). Nine scans were performed by each tested I.O.S. and 72 copings were designed using\na dental computer-assisted-design/computer-assisted-manufacturing (CAD/CAM) software (exocad\nGmbH, Darmstadt, Germany). According to CAD data, zirconium dioxide (ZrO2) copings were\ndigitally milled (Roland DWX-50, Irvine, CA, USA). Scanning electron microscope (SEM) direct\nvision allowed for marginal gap measurements in eight points for each specimen. Descriptive\nanalysis was performed using mean, standard deviation, and median, while the Kruskal-Wallis\ntest was performed to determine whether the marginal discrepancies were significantly different\nbetween each group (significance level p < 0.05). The overall mean marginal gap value and standard\ndeviation...............